About Us
Fiscal Year 2026 Pre-Contracting Process
The purpose of the pre-contracting process is to identify organizations interested in providing services to Warren and Clinton County residents along our Continuum of Care and ensuring alignment with our Mission, Vision, Values as well as our Guiding Principles of funding decisions.
For this process, providers with an existing contract with MHRBWCC and providers that are interested in contracting will provide information to the MHRBWCC staff via the Pre-Contracting Questionnaire (PCQ).
The PCQ is available to organizations who meet minimum standards including state/national accreditation/licensure/certification and are in good standing as evidenced by their duration of certification as a provider, status of such certification, history of the organization, and fiscal viability and sustainability.
The completion of the Questionnaire is not a guarantee of funding to any organization regardless of historical funding awards. All FY26 executed contracts are contingent upon federal, state, and local funds availability.
Notice of Intent to Apply for Current Contract Providers
All current MHRB funded provider agencies will receive a direct communication from MHRBWCC with a link to the Vendor Portal to submit their application.
Notice of Intent to Apply for New Organizations
All organizations who do not currently receive funding from MHRBWCC that intend to complete the Questionnaire and request funding must submit a Notification of Intent no later than Friday, January 3rd, 2025 by sending an email to rfp@mhrbwcc.org with all of the information that is required in the Pre-Contracting Instructions document available below.
The PCQ and all additional required documents must be submitted to MHRB via the Vendor Portal link that will be sent via email to the primary agency contact. Questionnaires must be received by MHRBWCC no later than Tuesday, January 14th, 2025 for consideration for a FY26 contract.
FY26 Pre-Contracting Questionnaire Documents
FY26 Pre-Contracting Instructions v1.0
FY26 Pre-Contracting Questionnaire v1.0 (Non-Fillable)
FY26 Pre-Contracting Questionnaire v1.01 (Fillable)
- Correction in v1.01
- Corrected minor issue with multi-line text not being available on question 4e on page 12 of fillable form
Supplemental Documents
Collaborative Plans
Prioritization of Services
Prioritization of Services White Paper
FY25 Contracts Table