
Self-Harm Awareness Month: Recognizing the Signs and Breaking the Silence
March is Self-Harm Awareness Month, a time to bring attention to a difficult yet important topic. Self-harm is often misunderstood, carrying stigma and misconceptions that can make it harder for people struggling to

3 Tips for Supporting Someone Struggling with Their Mental Health
When someone you love is struggling with their mental health, it’s natural to feel confused or overwhelmed. You may want to jump into action and find a way to make them feel better. Or, you may hesitate to reach

Taking Stock of Your Drinking
We've all been there (well, most of us, anyway). A night out with friends, laughing and joking while enjoying a few drinks together. Everyone is just having a great evening and sharing the time together, maybe making a

About Eating Disorder Awareness Month
by Valerie Walch, Community Impact Coordinator With the New Year comes resolutions around food and weight loss. In fact, according to Statista, the top three most popular New Years Resolutions of 2025 (behind “to

Winter Blues or Something More?
Winter Blues or Something More? How Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Can Affect Suicide Risk Winter can be a challenging season, especially when the post-holiday excitement fades. This is especially true in

How to Be There for Loved Ones This Season
Holiday Check-In: How to Be There for Loved Ones This Season The holidays can bring a mixed bag of emotions. For some people, it’s all about joy and a carefree celebration. For others, the hustle and bustle of the