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4 Common Fears of Heroin Addiction Treatment

For people who suffer from an addiction to opiates like heroin, quitting is always on their minds, yet recovery often seems unattainable. The seemingly endless cycle of addiction can prevent many people from even admitting they are in trouble. If you are battling an addiction to heroin, or you think someone you love has a substance use disorder, there is hope for recovery.
Many people never seek help for an addiction out of fear. They may fear judgment, relapse, withdrawal, rejection, and the unknown outcome of quitting their addiction. These fears are barriers to recovery and can leave people with an opiate addiction feeling hopeless and alone. However, by understanding and addressing these common fears associated with addiction treatment, friends and relatives of people with a substance use disorder can help them find a recovery option that fits their needs.
Fear of detox and withdrawal
One common fear among people with an opiate addiction is the fear of the symptoms of quitting. Maybe you or a loved one has tried to stop using opiates like heroin in the past, but the symptoms of withdrawal were too painful. It’s true that some people with a severe addiction may experience symptoms of withdrawal including nausea, insomnia, anxiety, and muscle aches. These symptoms may seem unbearable, especially for people trying to quit using opiates by themselves.
However, in a recovery center, the detoxification process usually lasts around a week and is medically supervised to ensure one’s safety and comfort throughout the process. Recovery offers a support system made up of peers, therapists, and medical professionals whose encouragement can help you or a loved one succeed in overcoming addiction.
Fear of financial barriers
Another fear that often prevents people from entering addiction recovery is financing their treatment. We understand that cost is often a barrier to seeking treatment, and our goal is to ensure that these barriers are knocked down so you or a loved one can get help for addiction. We have service contracts in place with many local providers to offer a continuum of care and financial assistance.
Getting help for addiction doesn’t mean you need to miss work to receive treatment. Most of our outpatient provider agencies in Warren and Clinton Counties offer late day or evening hours to avoid the need to take vacation or sick leave. Together with a recovery counselor, you can determine the best course of treatment and time frame that works best for you. Many people are surprised at the level of control they have when it comes to choosing a treatment plan that fits their unique needs.
Fear of failure
A fear of failure is a common obstacle that prevents many people from achieving anything, no matter what their goals are. For people with an addiction to opiates like heroin, the fear of failure and self-doubt can be debilitating. Recovery is an ongoing process that doesn’t happen overnight. While relapses do happen, people in recovery have the support of counselors, therapists, and peers to offer encouragement and help them move forward. Many people have succeeded in achieving their goals in recovery despite the fear of failure, and so can you.
Fear of judgment
Finally, some people with a substance use disorder never even admit they are struggling with addiction out of fear of being judged or rejected. Furthermore, some people fear they will get in trouble with the law for admitting their addiction to illegal drugs like heroin. It’s important to remember that seeking help for addiction is not a crime. We understand the fear of being judged for addiction. That’s why when you contact us for help, we will listen to your questions and concerns without judgment. Contacting us is free and confidential, and can be the first step on your road to freedom from addiction to opiates like heroin.
How to Find Help for Addiction
If you or a loved one are battling the pain of addiction, there’s no better time than right now to look for help. Simply fill out our form to get general information on treatment options and information about our network of provider agencies. If you want specific information about treatments, or are wondering when to start treatment, or how to get an intake packet, contact one of the agencies in our provider network directly to get started.