
Helping a Loved One Who Has a Drinking Problem

Helping a Loved One Who Has a Drinking Problem

It was a dark and stormy night ... really. I was out with friends, enjoying a celebratory drink marking one friend's new job accomplihsment. It didn't seem like a big deal. Everyone was fine, laughing and back-slapping

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School Shooting Threats

The FBI has done extensive research and profiling of school shooters and they note that “all threats and all threateners are not equal” but all threats must be taken seriously and assessed. Yet, the FBI reports,

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March is Problem Gambling Month

Can Gambling be a Big Problem? You Bet

Maybe you've seen it in someone you love - always heading to the casino, but always looking to borrow money. Or maybe you know they've lied about what's going on with their finances because of a gambling habit. That

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Demystifying Addiction Treatment

4 Common Fears of Heroin Addiction Treatment

For people who suffer from an addiction to opiates like heroin, quitting is always on their minds, yet recovery often seems unattainable. The seemingly endless cycle of addiction can prevent many people from even

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Recognize MLK Day with a Mental Health Screening

Each January, we recognize and consider the works civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. His name has become synonymous with quietly standing up for one’s beliefs and forging change. What many people don't

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Recovery New Year's Resolution

Make Recovery Your New Year's Resolution

With the New Year comes the promise of a new beginning. For individuals struggling with an addiction to opiates, this New Year can also be the start of a journey to recovery and freedom from the pain of addiction. If

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