
Linnette Graesser

"A Sense of Purpose": A Talk with a Peer Supporter

by Compeer staff If I were to ask you about your favorite friend, does someone instantly come to mind? Is there someone that you know you can call to talk to when you are down? Someone that will listen to you? Someone

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Alcohol Awareness Month: Let's Talk!

When it comes to alcohol use,  you may not hear about a lot of conversations about the topic among families and friends.  But that's probably not quite accurate. According to a recent Substance Abuse and

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Mindfulness: Being in the Moment

Psychologist Jay Dixit says, “we live in a world of distraction” and too often “we let the present slip away, allowing time to rush past unobserved and unseized, and squandering the precious seconds of our lives

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Anxious, Concerned and in Crisis? Good Listeners are a Call Away

Everyone experiences anxiety or depression now and again. Things happen - breakups, failing a test or not getting a promotion at work, for example - that just make us feel down in the dumps. It's when those feelings

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Before it Starts: Preventing Addiction

We've seen a lot in the news over the past several weeks about the effects of addiction. Opiates and other drugs - not to mention alcoholism and other addictions - are taking their toll. The media are filled with

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Protective Factors: Reducing Brain Damage from Toxic Stress

by Guest Bloggers Nikki Zellin, Jill Hyunh, and Connie Harrison of Beech Acres Parenting Center Sports!  We are a county passionate about our sports teams & in support of our athletes. Despite this

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