
The Sequence of Living Effectively

March 17, 2014  |  Practical life coaching

By Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D. Do you know how to build a lifestyle that you can fully enjoy?  Do you want to re-shape your life by taking charge of it, thereby transforming it into the structure of your dreams? 

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PRIDE Survey Data Released

March 12, 2014  |  Data

The Student Drug Use Survey is a project of the Coalition for a Drug-Free Greater Cincinnati that provides in-depth analysis of the self-reported drug use patterns of area youth.  Every two years, the Coalition

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Ohio Department of Health Releases Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results

March 5, 2014  |  Data

COLUMBUS — Prescription painkiller abuse by teens dropped nearly in half during the past two years, according to the Ohio Department of Health’s 2013 Ohio Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). In 2011, 21.3

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All People Matter Social Work Month 2014

National Social Workers Month

March 1, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The nation’s largest group of social workers, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), today begins its month-long celebration of the profession. Social workers in hospitals,

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Ohio Behavioral Health Barometer

February 18, 2014  |  Data

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) released the Behavioral Health Barometer for Ohio. The barometer compiles data  from a number of sources, including Medicare, the Centers for

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Recovery Oriented Systems of Care

February 18, 2014  |  Oacbha

A Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) is a behavioral health system that focuses on the individual and family in need of recovery services, building on their strengths and incorporating a coordinated and

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