

Fandom and Mental Health

Cincinnati can't hide its excitement! And why would we? This weekend's AFC Championship game between the Bengals and the Kansas City Chiefs will be epic for Cincinnati fans. All kinds of predictions and parties are

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Winter Blahs

The January Blahs

January 19, 2022  |  Depression, seasonal affective disorder

I have to admit that once the holidays are done, I sort of melt into a "blah" mood for teh month of January. it's not that the new year gets off to a bad start or anything - quite the contrary. I think each year starts

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drinking responsibly

socializing safely

December 20, 2021  |  Alcohol, Alcoholic, Christmas stress

Think and Drink Wisely this Holiday Season With holiday parties in full swing, people are enjoying the spirit of the holidays at work parties and gatherings at homes across our two counties. All around us, the joy of

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frantic pace

Holiday Pace

December 9, 2021  |  holidays, Mental health

Here we are, all rushing about to ensure our holiday packages get sent on time to arrive before Christmas or to pick up that one cookie ingredient we forgot on the last trip to the grovery store. It feels a little

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Giving Thanks

November 22, 2021

It's the start of Thanksgiving Week and surely we're all thinking about those things for which we are grateful this year. It's been a tough year for some, including me. I lost my partner at the beginning of the year.

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Depression Screening Day

Depression Screening Day

October 8, 2021  |  Depression, Mental health, screening

About a week ago, a friend of mine talked with me about how down she'd been feeling. It started as a general sense of "meh" but quickly spiraled into a deeper despair. She felt overwhelmed and didn't know where to

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