
Different Kind of Holiday

A different kind of holiday

December 4, 2020  |  Christmas stress, COVID-19, depression, holidays

It's a foregone conclusion at this point that Christmas and Hanukkah and Kwanzaa and New Year's Eve will all be very different this year. COVID has taken its toll on so many of our traditions and "feel good" things that

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Veterans Day

Thank you veterans

November 11 is a pretty remarkable day, isn't it? Every year we take time to give thanks to our military veterans for their service to our country. Many of them served in battles, and many served in peace time. All,

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COVID holidays

Holiday coping in the COVID age

Has it really been nearly 12 months already? How time flies! Yep - it's almost time for the holidays again. But this time, with an added twist - COVID-19. Oh sure, it's a fun time of year ... ususally. We look forward

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woman looking out window

suicide prevention for older adults

I was 10 years old when my paternal grandfather died. He was the only grandfather I'd known, since my mom's dad died when she was just 14 or 15. But I digress. My grandmother grieved as any spouse would, and  the rest

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COVID and back to school

Back To School?

August 5, 2020  |  anxiety, coronavirus, COVID-19, kids, parents, school

Right about now, parents and kids alike would be starting preparations for the first day of school. Or for some, maybe that school year would already be underway. Either way, parents might be rejoicing and kids - well,

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drinking and COVID-19

drinking and COVID-19

July 9, 2020  |  COVID-19, Drinking

It had been a while since I saw a good friend of mine. The COVID-19 pandemic had kept us from visiting much except by phone or FaceTime, and even then it wasn't a lot. So, after a couple of months of this, I decided to

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