
Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

drug facts week

January 21, 2020  |  Addiction, Alcohol, Alcoholic, Drugs, Recovery, Rx drugs, treatment

We've heard it so many times before, but it never gets old or stops being relevant.   Know the facts and help stop addiction.   I know the message is out there all the time. We put it there to be seen, read, and

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Happy New Year 2020

looking forward in 2020

December 30, 2019  |  Addiction, Mental health, Recovery

Here we are, on the brink of a new year. It's always amazing how fast the last year has gone, isn't it? And today, with just one more day in 2019, many may be looking back at what's been achieved over that year - and

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holiday stress

reducing holiday stress

December 10, 2019  |  Crisis, holidays, Mental health, Stress

Here we go! We're off and running on the holiday season, and it's busy, busy, BUSY! We kicked it off with Thanksgiving a couple of weeks ago (some of us are STILL working through leftovers, which probably isn't a good

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research counseling providers

Five things to consider when starting counseling

November 13, 2019  |  Addiction, Counseling, Mental health

When someone decides it's time to get some help for a mental health or addiction issue, or when they are told to do by a court, those first steps are truly tough. It's truly not an easy thing to tell yourself you need

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screening for depression

screen for depression

October 1, 2019  |  Depression, screening

A friend of mine asked me a question after a recent visit with his doctor. "Why are they asking me whether I feel down?" he said. "That's not a physical health thing. Or is it?" He had a legitimate question. Having

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men reach out

real men reach out

September 16, 2019  |  men, Suicide awareness, Suicide prevention

It's not just happening in the U.S. Men die by suicide in greater numbers across many countries. In Canada, for example, more than 3700 men died by suicide in 2011, and the numbers haven't been kinder since. The

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