
men and suicude

men and suicide

Men are good at a lot of things (so are women, by the way). But one area they've outshined women across Warren and Clinton Counties isn't the best. That area is suicide completions. By far, men have been more

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dealing with mass shootings

August 5, 2019

It's been a rough weekend for our country. First, a gunman opened fire on an El Paso, Texas Walmart on Saturday. Then early Sunday morning, violence struck very close to home in downtown Dayton. In all, 29 people died

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men and suicide prevention

men and mental health

There's no denying that mental health issues affect men and women. And research indicates that mental illnesses affect women at a higher rate than men. But when it comes to getting help, men just don't do it well.

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National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

minority mental health month

You may be pretty familiar with the statistic: one in five Americans are living with a mental illness. That's according to the National Institute of Mental Health, which says that in 2017, that meant 46.6 million

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Kids and anxiety
Getty Images

kids and anxiety

June 28, 2019  |  Anxiety, Kids, Parenting, relationships

  In recent years, anxiety has taken top position over depression among our children’s behavioral health issues. Reporting of anxiety among kids 6 to 17 rose 13% in 5 years compared to depression levels,

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Does a loved one have a mental disorder?

How do I know it's a mental illness

How Do I Know if My [Parent, Child, Sibling, Friend, Co-Worker] Has a Mental Disorder? Many people with mental health disorders and their loved ones know that May is Mental Health Month and this year marks its 70th

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