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PRIDE Survey Data Released
The Student Drug Use Survey is a project of the Coalition for a Drug-Free Greater Cincinnati that provides in-depth analysis of the self-reported drug use patterns of area youth. Every two years, the Coalition implements the unprecedented Student Drug Use Survey to collect youth drug use data from seventh through twelfth graders throughout the 10 county Greater Cincinnati area. The survey is recognized across the region and nationally as a current and reliable source of validated information on local youth substance abuse and other health behaviors and is the largest of its kind in the country.
In Warren County, a total of 14,627 seventh through twelfth grade students completed the survey in 2014. A brief summary of the results is below:
Warren County PRIDE Survey Data |
Measure |
Alcohol |
Tobacco |
Marijuana |
Prescription Drugs |
30-Day Use (%) |
15.1 |
8.8 |
9.5 |
4.2 |
Perceived Risk (%) |
70.4 |
92.1 |
71.3 |
89.5 |
Parental Disapproval (%) |
87.8 |
95 |
94.5 |
96.8 |
Friend’s Disapproval (%) |
79 |
64.1 |
75.5 |
88.3 |
Avg. Age of First Use (%) |
13.5 |
13.4 |
13.9 |
13.3 |
In Clinton County, a total of 1,917 seventh through twelfth grade students completed the survey in 2014. A brief summary of the results is below:
Clinton County PRIDE Survey Data |
Measure |
Tobacco |
Alcohol |
Marijuana |
Prescription Drugs |
30-Day Use (%) |
17.5 |
21.7 |
10.9 |
5.2 |
Perceived Risk (%) |
86.6 |
70.8 |
63.6 |
87.8 |
Parental Disapproval (%) |
88.5 |
81.4 |
90.4 |
95.3 |
Friend’s Disapproval (%) |
62.4 |
49.3 |
64.8 |
83.3 |
Ease of Availability (%) |
48.9 |
42 |
32.6 |
25.6 |
The PRIDE Survey also asked a number of questions regarding youth violence and safety, suicide, gambling, and other drugs of abuse. For complete survey results, visit the PRIDE Survey section of our website by clicking here.