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Researching Mental Health & Addiction Services
It\'s a big milestone to acknowledge the need for help to work through a mental illness or addiction and start on the road to recovery. If you\'re there, or if you\'re looking for information to help a loved one, the next step is finding the right place to start treatment.
When my sister was looking for the right place to deal with her anxiety, she wondered where to start. It\'s one of the reasons I was drawn to the field myself. I wanted to help people in her position to find information as easily as possible. Luckily, it didn\'t take long for her to find her therapist. Others aren\'t as lucky.
So here are a few ways to start:
- Check online for local treatment centers. When you go to search, one way to start is by typing "mental health and addiction treatment near me". That begins a search in whatever browser you use - Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. - that lists organizations that shouldn\'t be too far from your home. My own search brought up a map showing locations for Solutions and Talbert House, for example.
- If you have health insurance, check your provider directory. Make sure your insurance covers visits to the organizations that you may choose. If it\'s hard to find, call the member services phone number on the back of your insurance card. They should be able to tell you which treatment centers are covered.
- If you don\'t have health insurance, get covered. You shouldn\'t have to pay out of pocket for services or choose between getting treated and buying food. You may qualify for Medicaid coverage, depending on your income. Visit for information, or visit you local Department of Job and Family Services to apply for assistance.
MHRS strives to ensure residents of Warren and Clinton Counties have solid and reputable treatment options available. Check out our Partners page for more potential providers and call them for treatment information. We want you to succeed!