
starting the second half

July 1, 2024  |  mental health, self-care
self care

Seems hard to believe that we're now officially halfway through 2024! Mom used to say - and I admit, I didn't pay much attention until a few years ago! - that time seems to speed up the older we get. Th3ere's a grain of truth to that, I guess.

But even though we get older, we still have to take care of our mental health as much as our physical health. They're both intertwined anyway, so it pays to take time for both.

So how do you do that? First, you have to be intentional. Just as you think about and maybe plan a workout routine for yourself, also take a few minutes to plan some mental health self-care. Choose which days of the week might work best for a walk at a park or perhaps a cup of coffee while you journal in your favorite chair. Then set that time aside for yourself.

Second, set some limits. Maybe you'll need an hour, maybe ust 20 minutes to recharge and escape a bit. It doesn't matter how long it may be - the point is to take some time and enjoy being with yourself, to ease the stress and anxiety of your day or week.

Lastly, keep an eye open for your triggers. Are there certain things that start to make you more anxious? Know the things that make you feel this way. You can plan with a professional the best ways to deal with them.

It's the second half of the 2024 game now! Time to take stock of how you approach self-care. if you need immediate help, call 9-8-8 or 877-695-6333 any time day or night. To find a local therapist and/or provider agency close to home, visit our website's Find Help page at