
Suicide Prevention Month

preventing suicide

Think of the person closest to you. What would life be like without them? What if that person was thinking the world is better off without them? Would you know?

Yes, you probably would. And you'd do all you could to offer help: talk, listen, find the right help if needed, even go with them to that first appointment.

Truth is, we could do at least some of that for anyone we know. With Suicide Prevention Month underway in September, it's as good a time as any to step up your knowledge of ways to offer a hand to a friend, family member, or even an acquaintance you have who is thinking that it would be better if they weren't here.

Where do you start? How about with the basics?

Learn the warning signs. Things like talking about wanting to die, feeling unbearable emotional pain, talking about being a burden to others, or giving away prized posessions. Find more at

Brief intervention if needed. Putting together a safety plan or following up a chat with a phone call can be as helpful as anything. People who know someone's looking out for them are, according to the research, more likely to engage in treatment.

Learn about psycotherapies and medications. There are a variety of therapies that psychologists, therapists and counselors employ to help someon thiking about suicide. Psychiatrists can also consider meidcations that can be of assistance, too.

Now's the time to learn so you're ready!