
Blog Entries - 'coping'

Disasters and Mental Health: The aftermath of Hurricane Harvey

Watching the news from Texas in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, it\'s clear that the aftermath has deeply affected people living in the region. You can see the concern pretty prominently in some of the faces on the

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'An Encourager for People'

August 25, 2017  |  Addiction, Coping, Counseling, Heroin, Opiates, Partners, Recovery

Peer supporter part of new program of people sharing their own experience to help people in recovery from addiction By John Cummings, Director of Communications (soon to appear in the Wilmington News

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Mental Health Screenings: 'Sunscreen' for your mental health

Just as you put on sunscreen to help protect you from the sun’s powerful rays, we should also take precautions for our mental health. We take action to actively prevent the potential consequences of sun damage

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De-stressing the 'Back to School' Transition

Back to school can be a stressful time for the entire family. Lazy summer days are abruptly replaced by hectic mornings packed with new classes, practices, homework and a variety of other stressors. Being unprepared for

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Researching Mental Health & Addiction Services

It\'s a big milestone to acknowledge the need for help to work through a mental illness or addiction and start on the road to recovery. If you\'re there, or if you\'re looking for information to help a loved one, the

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Six Things to Do with Your Teen When Watching '13 Reasons Why'

It’s no secret that the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” has generated a lot of buzz – not just among its teenage audience, but among school leaders and parents, too. The series focuses on a

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