
Blog Entries - 'coping'

Christmas cookie

Merry Christmas

December 24, 2020  |  Addiction, Christmas stress, coping, Mental health

For anyone living with a mental health or addiction disorder, holidays - even Christmas - can be hard. A particular memory or incident may come to mind that brings back difficult experiences, perhaps. There are a number

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new normal

Back to Normal?

May 26, 2020  |  Anxiety, coping, coronavirus, Mental health

The phrase keeps getting bantered about these days: Let's get back to normal. While the coronavirus continues to ravage some states and countries and the death toll mounts, it seems many of us want to find some

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online family

connecting in spite of coronavirus

Now that many of us are staying at home in an effort to stop the spread of Coronavirus, it may feel pretty good to be alone - or at least with fewer people around us. I admit that the quiet is kind of nice. But only

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Parenting for Summer Break

parenting for summer break

June 19, 2019  |  Coping, Kids, Parenting, Stress

Summer's here, and the time is right ... for kids wondering "What am I going to do today?" Some parents are likely already hearing words to that effect. With the school year over and thoughts of taking a break from

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Help loved one mental illness

Ways to help a loved one with mental illess

April 19, 2019  |  Coping, Mental illness, Recovery

  When your spouse or child, parent or friend has the flu, you know exactly what to do. Pump fluids, give them their med’s, keep the fever down. But what about a loved one that has a mental sickness? Suddenly, it

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Kids fear the doctor

Kids and fear of the doctor

January 22, 2019  |  Anxiety, Coping, Kids

As cold as it's been (and may still be for a little while), it's not a foregone conclusion that kids will get sick. They share germs with each other at school, and those germs often wind up coming home with them - maybe

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