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Trauma Informed Organizations: A Warren/Clinton County Learning Community
Warren and Clinton County organizations are invited to participate in the newly formed Trauma- Informed Organization Learning Community which will provide free training and professional consultative services. Participating organizations will be aided in modifying their practices to be more cognizant of the trauma their customers may have suffered and are reacting to, as well as the secondary trauma experienced by staff. This opportunity is being funded by Mental Health Recovery Services of Warren and Clinton Counties.
A trauma-informed approach can be implemented in any type of service setting or organization. This approach is much more global and should be distinguished from trauma-specific treatments which are designed specifically to address the consequences of trauma and to facilitate healing.
Thus, this isn’t just for behavioral health organizations! Because of the prevalence, we interact with individuals everyday who have experienced traumatic events. All organizations can become trauma-informed — including domestic violence programs, children’s services, court systems, jails, probation offices, job and family services, food pantries, homeless shelters, medical providers, developmental disabilities, schools, etc.
Please consider sending a representative from your organization to learn more about this important endeavor.
Our first Learning Community Meeting will be:
Friday, September 18, 2015
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Young Center, Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities
801 Drake Road Lebanon, OH 45036
Consultant/Coaching services are fully funded by MHRS
Register no later than September 17th at, by going to, or by calling 513-695-1695
For more information, contact
 Patti Ahting at or 513-695-1695
A flyer with more information can be downloaded by clicking here.